Saturday, January 30, 2010

Walking Along The Highway; Garden; Get Out; Brownies; Bridge City


I'm a kid in my old neighborhood in VA. We're walking along the side of 123, a two lane semi-highway. The grass is long at the side of the road. Our parents told us to loop to the right around Kirby but I argue it's actually safer to go into our neighborhood. I turn and the gang of kids follows me. As we go down the steep hill, I see that everyone is dressed for Halloween, even though it's springtime and the middle of the day. I remember that Halloween was postponed last year after some disaster.

I get to my yard. My stepfather has changed the garden. He's extended the slate path all the way to the wild margin of the yard. He took out the circle of pachysandra and replaced it with huge flat sections of stone that rotate, like a mill stone. He's made a bench for my mother. I realize it's because my mother is very sick and she needs a smoother garden. I'm worried. We always assumed my stepfather would die first. Who will take care of him now?

I'm visiting friends of friends, a married couple, A and K. They have a huge, glamorous house. We're getting ready to go out. I go to the rest room and K follows me in, gabbing. I have trouble turning on the light. I can only get one little inadequate light to go on. K hands me a book with a interesting drawing of a topless devil woman on the cover. I would like to read it but she's still around. I finally kind of yell at her to get out.

Outside, I meet up with A and K and their gardener and my brother and his family. We somehow all pile into my mother's golden car. We're going to the movies. I section up a plate of brownies using a cardboard rectangle.

I meet with D, a nice girl I've been trying to befriend. We're in a golden city, canals and bridges and shops. It's late and we have to figure out how we're getting home but we also have to carry potted plants.

In a sort of fashion show. I'm wearing something elegant and I have to let people take my picture. Then I take pictures of another elegantly dressed girl. I think we're all taking turns with the camera.

Good, I remembered this one better. I wrote it down in detail right when I woke up. I remember reading that light is one of the hardest things to control in dreams and not being able to turn on a switch should be a cue to spark a lucid dream. Well, it didn't work last night and instead just irritated me.

I've been having a lot of dreams where I'm being thwarted in bathrooms too.

This was mostly a pleasant dream. I've been dreaming of beauty a lot lately. It's conspicuously absent from my life right now as the weather is so miserable and I spend a lot of time putting on three sweaters.

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