Friday, June 15, 2012

Camp Hate; Snow Explosion; That Chipper Bastard

I was at some sort of summer camp or something with lots of girls. The girl who was my roommate secretly hated me so I not so secretly hated her back.

It was in a house like my grandmothers with tons of weird little rooms. I finally figured out there was an extra bathroom. I looked in and saw that it even had a full bath, but when I went in I saw the huge tub had actually had the bottom cut out and filled in with a garden.

Up on a mountain overlooking the building with the camp. It was covered with snow, and it felt like I was with someone and we were wandering around for a long time, desperate to get back. Finally, we set off some sort of explosion to bring people to us. I flew up in the air and down incredibly slowly, like I'd figured out a way to slow down time so I wouldn't crash and hurt myself. I landed in the soft snow and saw I was saved.

There was some obnoxious camp counselor type who was trying to be everybody's pal. He asked if I had any questions about a bunch of stuff but I just wanted him to fix my computer. I was really rude to him, and as I stalked off, I thought to myself that I wouldn't have been as rude if he hadn't been as chipper.

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