Sunday, February 28, 2010

Teen Sleuth; Grapefruit Fight; Porcelain Art


I'm solving a mystery. I'm a teen sleuth with a long silky ponytail. My best friend is a neighbor boy who's disappeared. I'm the girl/ a cop and I figure out his father accidentally killed him with hedge clippers. Flashes of gashes to the face and hands. The father covered it up, hiding the body in the ivy and blueberry bushes.

I see that I've become famous for the hair cutting incident. I'm going to give a reading. I get pre-empted. We all disperse for bed. I see M sitting at the table in the bedroom and I go out to brush my teeth. On my way back in I know that he's going to be hiding behind the door to ambush me like the snowball fight. I catch him. He's got a cold grapefruit like a snowball. I grab him and we wrestle on the bed, where O is already asleep. We try not to wake him up. I'm frustrated. Our wrestling is sexy and fun and I don't want to have to be quiet. I slide the grapefruit down the back of his shirt. O wakes up, grumpy.

I lie in the bed and take my story and write a note at the top to show I've been ready to read an exceprt. I write my name and Excerpt in shaky drunken letters but it's definitely my handwriting.

Porcelain art? Huge smooth pods with bright colors and embossed patterns hanging from the ceiling. They're very beautiful.

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