Thursday, February 11, 2010

No More G; Coffee Cup Lad; Pig Art; Pirate Name


I was lost in a mall. It had lots of stories and a spiraling staircase.

I was riding the subway with Eric and Laura. We've heard they're shutting down the G. I'm really concerned. I think I might have to move now that I won't be able to take it.

There's a British schoolboy being tortured by his classmates. They hold him down and are about to rape him. They beat him and he's turned into a large styrofoam cup of coffee. I wonder how he can fit himself into it. Now they torture him by jiggling the cup and sloshing the coffee around.

I'm in a very fancy bathroom. I'm sitting on a high stool looking into a mirror on my left. It reflects back a cute and pretty pointellist picture of a pig. I can read the writing in the caption and realize that it's backwards in the original. The colors are bright pink and royal blue.

I'm in the park, somewhere warm with long grass. I'm wiping slices of mushroom off a cutting board and thinking of 3 and when I look up he's approaching. He wears nerdy thick black rimmed glasses and he helps me to my feet. We stand in a line with lots of other people getting ready to be fake pirates. One guy has crabs for hands and he brandishes them playfully. I ask 3 to help me come up with a pirate name and we decide on Howard Razorhat The Third.

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