Monday, December 28, 2009

Strange Mop; Cucumber Plant; Sweeping Up Cool Stuff


One of my first dreams that featured 3. I don't remember much but he was there.

Also a dream about TB, the first in a long time. I wanted to see him of course but I didn't feel desperate. In an empty high school? Talking about music.

I'm in a high school auditorium and we're putting on a show. I'm sitting near the middle while everyone is gathered around front as the director explains what's going on. I'm sort of the jack of all work for the show. I make suggestions on the script, help find costumes, and wrangle with the director when he tries to foist a fancy new mop on the janitor. The mop is a gray loop of cloth suspended over the stage. I become the janitor and insist on sleeping on the floor.

I'm in Providence or DC or Canada, somewhere associated with my dad. A neighbor has grown a cucumber plant that goes all the way across the sidewalk. My brother and I go around it, but then someone just cuts it out of the way. I'm sweeping and there's lots of weird crud on the ground. Lots of summer dresses and blocks of cheese and things I have to keep rescuing.

This wasn't an especially interesting dream, and it was sort of low key anxious, like I had chores to do that weren't getting done. Which doesn't actually make me anxious in waking life. Conversely, in the dream I was seeing two men who interest me and/or freak me out and while I was glad and a little sad in the dream, the emotions were vey tamped down.

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