Saturday, December 31, 2011

Dom Theme Park; Sweaters; Work; Art

I was in some kind of amusement park or staged haunted house or something. I came into a room where I was told to pretend to be a dominatrix. I posed with my foot on some guy's back. Then another woman dressed as a top came in and suggested I sub. I refused and we started fighting. I was afraid because she was very large. I was really revolted and furious. I clawed at her face and breasts and bit her. I fnally got out of the room and realized there was a tall bookshelf there. As she rounded the corner, I knocked her over and toppled the bookshelf onto her.

I was in a place that was half book-store, half-home. I ran through the halls and knew I had to go on the run. I filled a carpet bag with mystery books and found a pair of too-big red shoes to put on. I went to the back room knowing I would need a sweater but when I opened the closet, there were just stacks of them and I realized I couldn't remember which ones were warm enough. I had to pull down several. I out on a strange red and purple table-cloth looking sweater and put it on, but by then the fat dom and a friend of hers were there. They seemed impressed that I'd beaten her up, but said I couldn't leave. I could top, but I could never leave. I fucking left, yo.

Another part of the dream was at "work" but it was in like a brownstone. Someone came to the door and I realized it was a former male assistant of my boss's. (She actually did have one, and in the dream I got the name right) I realized if I could seduce him I could leave. He helped me sort contracts that had to go with checks, which was difficult and my boss was yelling at me.

Outside, I realized I wasn't in New York but in a small town in PA. There was a central pond, parks, it was very picturesque. A sculptor had done a series of erotic Alice in Wonderland statues. There was something about a snail or a frog leaving a slimy trail, which you were supposed to touch and feel the slime.

Something about a beach? A handsome young man who I think was a stand in for N?

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