Friday, October 30, 2015

The House of the Three Rats; Garden Party

I saw/was a man in a small, spooky town was looking around his affluent neighborhood and realized there was something wrong. I narrated to myself, "It won't be too long." People wore pale clothes, old-fashioned suits and long white dresses. It was a coastal town. I went down the coast to a shabby house where a grubby boy was standing by the fence. "I need to see your mother," I said. The boy set up a sort of laundry-line transport, a long, frayed string would pull me to the house. The string was thin and soft under my hands and I thought it might break but I didn't care. I went through the quiet, sunny pine trees to the house. "Someone told me she'd dyed her hair." I knew this meant the widowed mother of all the children was desperate.

In the kitchen of the house, an older, homely woman with dyed black hair was cooking. There was a little girl with her. It was actually hard to tell how old she was. I knew that the woman was planning to sell or give away the girl because it was too dangerous to stay here. Other children kept walking through the kitchen, getting something ready.

An older boy, teenaged or in his twenties, caught my attention. He seemed confident even though there was a disaster coming. He wore a black vest and there was a tattoo on his shoulder of three rats. I went to him and asked him about it. He stood in the hallway right by the back door, almost out of it. He was leaving on a mission, but he stayed to tell me. "Our house is full of rats and bees. We tell a story about taking a bee's stinger and stinging three rats. The first two kept running and fighting until they burned off the poison, but the third one hurt so much he just wanted to lie down. That's what made him die." I knew he was telling me that we could leave and survive. By now I was myself, and I kissed him and licked his tattoo. We went outside.

It was a beautiful garden party. My friends were there and gave me a crazy pair of red sunglasses. I knew we would be safe.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Field work spider; the post-apocalyptic beach community; soft

I woke up in a bed at my field work, disoriented. I knew I wasn't supposed to be working there that day, and I hadn't known they had a bed there. Then the people who had interviewed me for next year's work came in and were being shown around. I was embarrassed but also kind of annoyed, since I wasn't even supposed to be there and just trying to sleep. Then I noticed a big cockroach on the shoulder of a colleague. I went over to surruptitiously wipe it off him, but it kept sort of sliding out of the way and then rising up and I saw it was a spider hanging from a thread. The closer I got, the bigger I realized it was. I got close and then realized I couldn't get away fast enough if it decided to drop on my head.

Then I was part of a post-apocalyptic beach community. There were some apartment buildings nearby, super-crowded. I got an allotment for one and had to squeeze myself through a small door to get in.

Then I was in a fancy restaurant with a childhood friend and the waiter was trying to bully me into some dessert I didn't want and part of the service was that he was cutting my hair.

On my way out of town, I noticed two very big, soft birds sitting on fenceposts. I went over and gave them both a squeeze, knowing they were too scared to try to fly away. They were delightfully soft.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


I was staying at a farm house. Someone had found the shoe of the woman who had lived there, or some other sign that she had disappeared and something bad had happened to her. I finally looked up and she was suspended in the air, dead, like she was hung but just floating. One of the scariest moments of a dream I've ever had.

Then I was part of the investigation into her murder. All the police or specialists were super smart, super nerdy women, dressed in neon graphic tee shirts or big dorky sneakers, with jewelry made of little plastic toys. I had to join them because I had found the body, and I wasn't sure if I should tell them I'd dreamed her death before it happened.

We went back to the farm house to look for clues, and I opened a door with a photo taped to it and it pushed me back into the memory of when it was taken--a blond guy and I had fallen in love and made out in the bathroom, then he went to a local salon and started getting his hair dyed brown. I decided not to wait for him and started walking home, and realized I was only wearing a towel and started running. A man in the park stopped to offer help, but I knew I couldn't slow down or stop. I vaulted over chain-link fences and ended up back in my apartment, where the investigation was still happening. No one had noticed I was gone.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Ramshackle home visit; Book Party

Walking through a small town. I'm talking on the phone with my mother (not my real mother), who is scolding me for not visiting more, when I see her on the front porch of our house. She sees me at the same time and laughs and hangs up. The house is very ramshackle and there's a bunch of junk on the porch. My mother is a bearded lady and holds up a bearded lady doll. A small dog is there and I go to pet it, but my mother sadly tells me he's sick and no longer wants to be touched.

I have a boyfriend or someone visiting and I give him the tour. Behind the house is a pond. We slip in. There are just a few feet of slimy weeds and then a sandy bottom. We stay in for a long time and talk politics with the old men (they must be my relatives) who are hanging around.

When I go to get out, I drift to the right a little bit. The water gets murkier and scarier at the bottom and I see a huge aligator. I manage to turn myself around and climb out of the water.

I'm at a book party event for a friend. He had been worried no one would come but I see a lot of our friends. There's also a woman who leaves at the same time as me and we walk back to work. We turn out to work in the same building. We linger in the lobby a minute and she asks why I left my job and why I'm coming back now. I explain I'd had to go by earlier in the day. I turn and see my boss behind me.

Something about a monkey tattoo or a board game at the book party?

Some old friends are visiting who have lost their baby. For a minute in the dream I'm confused and think it's my niece who's dead. Terribly sad.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Epic Search for Dinner; Blow Up Cover Up

Walking around a small city late at night with my college friends J and R. We met up with a friend, a schlubby guy, and took him to a hotel of ill repute. We could see into other people's dorm rooms from there. We decided we were hungry and went on an epic search for dinner. R found a place on her phone but I said it was too expensive, everyone else said tough luck. I was driving, but it turned out we didn't have a car but had to walk fast in poorly marked lanes.

We saw an Aztec themed restaurant on the way and I talked everyone into going. They had a huge buffet and I was excited. I stood in line with a nice chatty young German guy and talked about my book. After a minute I realized I had no idea where the clean plates were.

I went through the restaurant searching for plates with no luck. Through the door I saw that there was a building about to be blown up. I rushed over and saw that on the television there was a false report. It was a big corporate conspiracy. I had a little camera and took pictures. Sliding the camera down from my eye, I saw my lens was filtering out the true image.

I got into a fight with two tourists in the entrance of the doomed building.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Much cooler

I was in the hospital. At first I couldn't figure out why, but then I realized it was because I was too skinny. They told me my brother was in too. I had brought a suitcase and wanted to put on socks, but they told me I couldn't have anything with tight elastic and brought me these ridiculous booties. The doctor asked if I had a good relationship with my mother and I said that I did, and I had brought a photo album to prove it. I told him we'd been to Scotland together and it was amazing. The pictures were supposedly of Hadrian's wall, but instead of stones it was made of weird bones and skulls and carved spiders. I thought, "This is much cooler than I remember it."

Friday, June 22, 2012

Museum robbery

A beautiful museum like place. I was going to rob it? I was there with other people. There was a book of fairy tales and the cover had a picture of a dark haired woman in a long silky patterned robe. The museum also had the robe, folded up, and someone urged me to put it on. I did and it weighed a lot. There were also fancy deep handbags that people were taking and folding and putting on their heads like hats.

Roller coasters? I had been talking about Coney Island right before going to bed.